Unlocking the Inherent Worth of Your Home: The Value of a New Roof


The rate of residential property transactions has been steadily increasing after the Brexit vote as evidenced by the fact that an average of 105,000 homes have been bought and sold each month since the beginning of 2017. Additionally, it’s worth noting that there has been a recent escalation of property prices across the United Kingdom with a noteworthy 3.5% upturn in home values during the past 10 months.

The key takeaway from these developments is that there has been a considerable decline in terms of new home constructions, which means that existing residences represent the focal point of today’s homeownership arena.

Capitalising on the Shifts in the Property Sector

Your roof is essentially a golden goose that you can use to substantially increase your homeowner’s equity; all you have to do is reroof your home and then contact an appraiser after the project. According to the latest financial communiqués, a roof renovation represents a very profitable venture:

  • Your home’s listing price can spike by anywhere from €4,000 to €12,000, depending on your material of choice and the calibre of the work.
  • Premium synthetic provisions such as metal sheeting or composite asphalt shingles can withstand up to 50 years of atmospheric exposure and severe weather.
  • Your home insurance provider will likely reduce your monthly premiums as a gesture of good faith, oftentimes by 10% or more.

As such, you can tap into the intrinsic worth of your home simply by meeting with your local roofers in Harrogate.

Is a New Roof Expensive?

Regardless of how much money you’ve saved in reserve, the best-rated roofing companies can tailor a modest, reasonable renovation strategy that won’t devastate your pocketbook so feel free to arrange a meeting with a local pro to discuss your budget.