N26 Overdraft


In recent years, with the improvements and new updates in the sphere of technology and also the entrance of humans into the virtual world, today’s global finance requires new types of ideas and creativity in this field. N26 as one of the successful ideas in this community is providing banking services totally in an online format. N26’s users are able to spend, save and manage their money easier than others. From many services that N26 is offering to its customers, such as free account, active customer service, real-time notification, virtual debit Mastercard, and secure platform; in this article, we decided to inform users about the two most useful features of N26, Credit, and Overdraft.

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N26 Credit

With the slogan of “turn next year’s dream into today’s reality”, N26 is offering customers to have direct loans between 1000 euro to 25000 euro from their mobile app, in an online format, and without any paperwork. Read more. Users will be able to compare loans and manage their plans for payment; they can use the N26 official website calculator that will show them the possible range from 6 to 60 months for payment and the minimum amount from 18 euro. Also, N26 can automatically, with the details of the user’s account, their income, credit history, and expenses, offer the best plan for them that can organize their credit and payment in the best way possible. Should be noted that users simply and easily will be able to get the loans inside of their N26 account and mobile app; additionally, for making a payment, the N26 app made everything simple and clear for users all around the world. Worthy to mention that the loans after consideration of N26, usually in three working days will be available for customers in their account.

N26 Overdraft

In case of any financial instabilities and problems, N26 in place of loans is offering overdrafts. Simply from the mobile app, customers will be able to activate overdraft for their account and start to manage all financial issues. The platform will allow users to get a maximum 10000 euro overdraft with N26, showing the overview about the customers’ overdraft and activities in this term, make the overdraft available in some minutes for users, and also it allows users to control their money from the app and manage their accounts according to their needs. For getting overdraft, users will need to have an N26 account and by the app to know the eligibility of having the credit or overdraft. It is worthy to mention that the interest of overdraft for customers is 8.9%.


The new ideas and services like N26, with their special services and features such as financial management, money-saving, the possibility to get credit, and overdrafts, are making evolution in the sphere of banking services especially in recent years. However, with global difficulties like Covid-19, the use of these types of platforms has become more common among people and users see their futures with these services and platforms.