What to Look for in Ready-Mixed Concrete Providers


lentink beton gieten lentink roodwitblauw gevelFor established and new homeowners, finding a business that provides high quality ready mixed mortar and concrete is crucial. Ready-mixed mortar and concrete products are essential for laying the foundations for an extension on the back or side of an existing home or the construction of a new dwelling. They are also ideal when a homeowner wants to lay a new driveway, a walking path down the side of their property, or to provide stability for an area where cars, caravans or boats will be parked for extended periods of time.

Choosing the Right Concrete Company

When searching for Billericay concrete and mortar ready-mixed products and providers, there are some essential characteristics to look out for, including but not limited to:

  • Companies should be fully automated so that concrete and mortar can be ready-mixed and poured in the least amount of time – ideally up to 1m3 each minute, which reduces the need for increased labour costs)
  • Companies should offer high volume capacity vehicle – ideally from 1m3 to 8m3 to cater for every size job, which minimises the need for multiple trucks and added expense
  • Products should include a retarding agent so that there is a delayed setting time after pouring which allows for modifications to be made when the concrete and mortar is in place
  • Companies that will provide accurate estimates free of charge, and have modern equipment that can cope with difficult to access areas without the need for increased charges

Laying the Best Foundations

The fact is that not all concrete is the same and not all concrete providers are the same. This means that it’s essential to source from the best company, especially when it involves building work around the home.