What Realtors Should Do To The Help First Time Home Buyers


Without wasting any time, let’s start discussing how Realtors can help buyers to set Realistic Expectations? Three methods are given below with the help of which Realtors can help buyers.


It is the responsibility of the sellers to guide the buyers about seller’s Psychology. Realtors must tell their clients that asking for excessive concessions and repairs might kill the deal. If they are interested in a house and want to buy it, then realtors must take the situation in his hand and try to make a good which will be good for both seller and buyer. Real estate agents must give buyers a fair view to buyers and make them understand what kind of market they are about to enter, to what extent their offer will not get rejected by the seller. They also have to make sure the price buyer offers are grounded in reality.

There are sellers who are emotionally attached to their property and the enhancements they have made in the house. That is why sometimes sellers get offended if buyers quote much lesser price than they expected. At that point, no counter will be forthcoming. This is the point when the buyer needs a good agent who counsel them and tell them when it is suitable to lower the price and when it is insulting.


Many realtors use to say “It’s a great time to buy a house, whether it is or not. Even in the run-up to the housing market collapse, when market prices are inflated, many realtors used to print newsletters and publish blogs regarding what tremendous time it is to invest in real estate or buy one. Always make a point of telling the customers about the current market scenario.

Real estate agent must get real and stop making these statements. Because it is not always the best time to purchase a house. When buyers are totally into the market, they try to exploit the first time buyers that they avoid doing. It is their responsibility to guide the buyers and inform them about the current market trend and prices. If the current market is worthy enough to invest, tell them to invest but if it is not them inform them about the same. By applying this kind of fair practices, buyers will be benefited in a huge way. Realtors are the one who live in the market, they know every ups and down related to real estate market. They are experts in their field, they know how the market can be handled. They should try to help the investors and buyers who come to them for help. They should advise and guide them properly.


This is the point that is worth mentioning. Every buyers who are searching out a new house does not know much about what house they’ll buy? And at What budget they will get what? It is the responsibility of Realtors to guide the buyers and let them know what they’re going to get with the budget they have. Everyone wants to buy a multi-storey house, having Spanish furniture, Italian marble, but they can’t if they do not have sufficient budget. It is the responsibility of realtor to show the buyers the homes that are priced at and below their budget.