Property Management Solutions for UK Landlords


If you own an investment property or two, there are many responsibilities that come with tenancy, and rather than having to deal with it all, it makes sense to source experienced letting agents in Waterlooville. They can help in many respects, such as the following:Property Management

  1. Sourcing & Screening Tenants – The letting agency can source tenants, while screening for suitability, which leaves you free to focus on other things, and they can handle the tenancy contract and the process when tenants occupy.
  2. Drafting the Tenancy Agreement – This can be very complex, and in order to make sure that you are protected, the tenancy contract must be worded correctly, which is another thing the letting agency can handle on your behalf.
  3. Meeting Legislation – The property needs to be up to very specific standards, and the letting agency can ensure that the condition of the property meets the required standard. The letting agency has a wealth of experience with preparing property for rental, and they are aware of what needs to be done to make the property acceptable.
  4. Collection and Same Day Transfer of Rent – The letting agency can collect your rent from the tenant and transfer it to your account within the same day.

Simply put, the letting agency will tailor their services to suit your needs, and while many landlords like to have active involvement, the majority of property owners would use an established letting agency. If you are about to move into investment property, source a local letting agency who can help you in many ways.